

Big society my arse

David Cameron's big society is as close to a way over complicated planning thought as you get in politics - intellectually interesting to the political elite no doubt but incomprehensible for normal people. This is a film we have just made to hit home the downsides of DIY government.

You can personalise the film here and blame the Big Society on someone who is thinking of voting Tory on Thursday.


V. nice, if a little familiar (well, a lot familiar, really. Audi, Royal Navy, Dexter, Obama, Sweden's TV Licensing and so on.)

And yet. Is negative campaigning the only way to promote our parties? Or is it just such a wonderful opportunity for UK advertising agencies (and planners and creatives) to do a little competitive bashing that they can't help themselves?

Good to hear you're not identifying yourself or your agency w/ the intellectual elite on this.

The cleverest thing I've seen happen during this Labour campaign (aside from this viral) is the association of the Conservative party w/ the upper middle classes. The toff's party. Which is great really, because there's years of value in class ridicule and all those Tim Nice-but-Dim associations. It's insidious and infectious and apparently harmless; like being rude about Americans. The sort of thing that gets stuck in people's heads. Nice.

Posted by: Mat Morrison at May 4, 2010 02:41 PM

big society my arse indeed.

Posted by: medieval dress at May 5, 2010 07:42 AM

Completely over the top.

Matt is right Labour's only chance is play on the class politics that dominate the UK society. Tribalism of British politics is a major problem and is Brown's only hope. Target the Labour supporters who are totally disillusioned with Labour but who can't vote Tory because 'they just don't have it in them.' I would hate to see it but probably what this Labour campaign should have focused on throughout.

Posted by: George Jensen at May 6, 2010 02:19 AM

great post as usual!

Posted by: TomPier at May 6, 2010 06:49 PM

What's ironic is that this work will no doubt have affected the same people who are totally disillusioned with our politicians.

For Britain to start winning again we need to embark on the esoteric process of rediscovering our soul - lost under a decade of sloth-enducing welfare support, and a left-leaning belief that Government has a role in all aspects of our lives.

Not continue to rely on a government who has got it so wrong so many times to carry on in this vain of poking their noses into all aspects of our lives.

I hope most people would see straight through this, but I guess too many will probably buy it and for that reason the work must be commended... it's a shame you guys don't write the manifestos and just do the campaigns.

Posted by: Jack Neal at May 7, 2010 07:32 AM