Now thats what I call collective intelligence
A while ago Gavin Heaton and Drew Mc Lellan asked a bunch of us bloggers to contribute to an e-book about the Age of Conversation. We were each to contribute a chapter of 400 words about our take on the subject. As more people got excited about the project and spurred on by the idea that the profits would go to a children’s charity more bloggers got involved, with just over 100 of the world’s leading marketers, writers, thinkers and creative innovators finally co-authoring the book.
Not only is this likely to be a bit of a ground breaking read (I certainly liked my 1/100th of it) but its also a fascinating experiment in the wisdom of the crowd and and ferocious speed of collective self publishing. A book that is about half the length of an average novel has been conceived, the authors found, written, edited and published in hardback, softback and e-book formats in about 3 months.
And if it is all nonsense (which I would really suggest quite strongly it is not) then Variety gets stacks of dosh out of it.
Buy a copy now.
No really buy a copy now!
You can get the link to buy and all full list of the authors by continuing to read below.
Splash the cash here.
The Age of Conversation authors, that list in full:
Gavin Heaton
Drew McLellan
Valeria Maltoni
Emily Reed
Katie Chatfield
Greg Verdino
Mack Collier
Lewis Green
Ann Handley
Mike Sansone
Paul McEnany
Roger von Oech
Anna Farmery
David Armano
Bob Glaza
Mark Goren
Matt Dickman
Scott Monty
Richard Huntington
Cam Beck
David Reich
Luc Debaisieux
Sean Howard
Tim Jackson
Patrick Schaber
Roberta Rosenberg
Uwe Hook
Tony D. Clark
Todd Andrlik
Toby Bloomberg
Steve Woodruff
Steve Bannister
Steve Roesler
Stanley Johnson
Spike Jones
Nathan Snell
Simon Payn
Ryan Rasmussen
Ron Shevlin
Roger Anderson
Robert Hruzek
Rishi Desai
Phil Gerbyshak
Peter Corbett
Pete Deutschman
Nick Rice
Nick Wright
Michael Morton
Mark Earls
Mark Blair
Mario Vellandi
Lori Magno
Kristin Gorski
Kris Hoet
G.Kofi Annan
Kimberly Dawn Wells
Karl Long
Julie Fleischer
Jordan Behan
John La Grou
Joe Raasch
Jim Kukral
Jessica Hagy
Janet Green
Jamey Shiels
Dr. Graham Hill
Gia Facchini
Geert Desager
Gaurav Mishra
Gary Schoeniger
Gareth Kay
Faris Yakob
Emily Clasper
Ed Cotton
Dustin Jacobsen
Tom Clifford
David Polinchock
David Koopmans
David Brazeal
David Berkowitz
Carolyn Manning
Craig Wilson
Cord Silverstein
Connie Reece
Colin McKay
Chris Newlan
Chris Corrigan
Cedric Giorgi
Brian Reich
Becky Carroll
Arun Rajagopal
Andy Nulman
Amy Jussel
AJ James
Kim Klaver
Sandy Renshaw
Susan Bird
Ryan Barrett
Troy Worman
S. Neil Vineberg

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Just browsing the internet, very interesting blog.
Hi Richard
in the interests of utter mischief shouldn’t that read “with just over 99 of the world’s leading marketers, writers, thinkers and creative innovators…” ;-)
Otherwise I think I’ll go read the book, whether for charity or not. Good work
your chapter surprised me.
There were many chapters that surprised me and it was certainly a joy being one of the first to read through the chapters, end-to-end. There is plenty to think about, digest and act upon within the 118 pages … and we all hope it is the very beginning of an ongoing and robust conversation.
So pleased that you were part of it, Richard!
’tis indeed a good read, and for a belter of a cause. like the written chapters… what is it with the diagrams though??
“A point of view is worth 80 IQ points” – Alan Kay
I must say, I loved your paper, Richard.
It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one who routinely risks getting their head shot off just speaking my mind and bothering to care.
What exactly is the alternative, anyway?
Who cares wins. Right?
Great work.
Also really enjoyed:
Roger von Oech – How to Think Like A Fool
Jessica Hagy – Sharing
Mike Sansone – Do You Talk Write?