Everybody still wants to work at Wiedens
Image courtesy of Kenny & B.
Ohhh look we’ve gone researchtastic.
Hot in the heels of the IPA Strategy Group’s UK strategy community research comes the forth annual Global Planners survey from Heather LeFevre. Of the 798 participants surprise surprise the place planners most want to work is Wieden & Kennedy (apart from ‘where you are’ which came top in the survey).
Next up is Naked followed by Crispin and Ideo (neck and neck), BBH, Anomaly, Goodby, Fallon, Strawberry Frog and then Google.
Both Chiat Day/TBWA and Mother are out of the list this year.
The full results are below (best to download from slideshare if you really want to get stuck into the data) including loads of interesting stuff on gender (yes that issue, see my previous post), ethnicity of planners (white), presence of children (none), and loads on salary.
Oh and some stuff that contradicts the IPA read on how happy planners are. I reckon thats because the IPA survey is of the UK only and planning rocks here, so line up that visa and phone up your UK headhunter plannerkind!

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Were you surprised to see how top heavy planning departments potentially are? I do sometimes feel that planners no longer enjoy wallowing in research findings and the perusal of information. And as highlighted, we do in fact see ourselves more like story tellers these days.
I do buy into the idea of a planner being a story teller as well as ‘the voice of the consumer’ but I think we could be in danger of thinking of ourselves as superstar planning geniuses who know enough not to do the tedious parts. However I might be being unfair. I can’t remember who said it but if you haven’t got the ‘facts’ you can’t have an opinion.
I think this survey says more about WK London than the entire WK network, yeah?
Heather Lefevre! Not Helen.
mistake corrected- my apologies
Just wondering ….
1. Are planners supposed to be happy?
2. In the graphic at the top of the post, is that a Wieden + Kennedy logo beautifully embedded into a screen door? If it is, I’d like to know where I could get one of them made for myself. I think I can make it through August with $150-a-barrel petroleum. But when corn oil hits $150-a-barrel, well, I’m going to have to find a new way to ventilate the joint. Posh screen door logos may have a great future.
[Freelance Business Journalist]
London, UK & Brittany, France
Carl, I don’t know if you were remembering the line, “you can’t make sense of the facts until you’ve had an idea”, as said by none other than Stephen King – see the excellent Masterclass in Brand Planning collection for more gems ..
And on the subject of ad/brand blogs that are actually about advertising … latest post from researchers on Coke’s new ‘nothing in it’ campaign, here: http://artofconversation.typepad.com/
I would like to work in a place where my work is respected and important in the overall chain of value of ideas, insights et cetera. Period! :]