That was the agency that was


Advertising’s black hole – HHCL is in there somewhere.

HHCL finally has a proper entry on Wikipedia.

So if you are currently thinking about the future shape of a communications company save yourself the trouble and copy down what HHCL did a decade ago.

By the way here are the two legendary Maxell ads from the late ’80s thanks to Rob Mortimer.
No brand idea, no slick production values and not a hint of integration, just good ads that stand the test of time rather better than the technology they advocate.

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4 Replies to “That was the agency that was”

  1. Richard, there’s a lot more info we could do with on that wikipedia entry. if you’ve got some stuff to bulk out for example ‘responsible desire’ (as long as there’s some substantiation), then your input would be very valuable

  2. I still believe those Maxell ads are some of the best creative work ever. They are totally engaging and funny whilst getting the message across loud and (sic) clear.
    It rightly states the problem with punk going against everything. Here’s to PIL advertising.

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