Brands rush in where angels fear to tread

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The The Charge of the Light Brigade is in so many ways a lesson for brands that think about social media as just another channel.

As you may know my basic philosophy about brands and web 2.0 is proceed…with caution. Social media is unfamiliar territory for brands and their representatives – largely because the rules are created by the community not the communicators – and they should stear well clear unless they know exactly what they are doing.

A brand is a business person’s best friend


Gill Sans – Eric Gill’s seminal typeface and as simple and elegant as this little presentation (which is in Tahoma).

A client asked me recently to put together a quick presentation on why brands were a good idea. I bashed this out largely ignoring all Russell’s powerpoint rules.
I think it has a simple (naive even) elegance. See what you think – you can veiw it here and download it if you can be bothered to.

By the way wikipedia has an excellent Eric Gill quote “First I think, then I draw my think”. From now on I am going to adopt the phrase ‘First I think, then I write my think’.

Download file

Good piece in the Guardian’s comment is free blog by Neil Borman about his buring of the brands – kind of illustrates my point really.

Avoiding World War Three – the ethics of sales promotion to children
The ethics of advertising to children is naturally a hot topic. Who should be allowed to advertise, what should they be allowed to advertise, when should they be allowed to advertise and which advertising techniques should they be allowed to use? However, the ethics of promotions aimed at kids seems less of a debate when I think they have a potentially far more damaging effect.

There is no such thing as a low interest category

You see it all the time – Client briefs, agency presentations, awards papers – the great cop out.
This is a low interest category.
It’s the universal panacea, the ultimate excuse, the dog ate my homework of the marketing world.
No wonder the work is dull, the thinking is lame or the creative is vacuous it is after all a low interest category and we might as well all go home.
Image from ‘far from dull’ by Dominic Greyer.